How to create Custom wordpress theme from scratch
Step 1: Create a folder to hold your theme files. If we are going to be building themes, we need to know where the files that make up a WordPress theme live in a WordPress Installation. This is pretty easy. We know that a WordPress installation typically has a root directory named wordpress . Here is what our root directory looks like in PHP extention File Path: Wordpress Folder >> wp-content >> Themes >> Create folder Example my-theme Step 2: Create Files in your custom theme folder index.php sidebar.php header.php footer.php functions.php frontpage.php single.php style.css Step 3: Style.css File /* Theme Name: mytheme Author: digigrowth Author URI: Version: 1.0 */ This information shows in your Wordpress dashboard theme details section Step 4: index.php File <? php get_header(); ?> this code will connect your header file to your index page < h1 > Custom Theme! </ ...